Strawberries - Bareroot Seascape 15/Bundle

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Product Overview

Available in early May 2020!

Day Neutral.

A very large, hardy, heavy producing variety with firm fruit, good color and flavor when picked ripe. Very good choice for roadside and farmer's markets for summer and fall production.

Day Neutral varieties promise an ongoing crop throughout the summer months, regardless of day length as long as temperatures stay below 85 degrees. Since the care of Everbearers and Day Neutrals is essentially the same, they are often lumped together and sold under the same heading. 
This type of strawberry is grown differently than June Bearers. You can harvest a crop in the first year of planting. Multiple harvests are exhausting on plants. Day Neutral and Everbearing varieties will need to be replaced at least every 2 years. Many growers treat these varieties as annuals and remove the planting after frost and replant every year. 
The first year, remove all the blossoms that appear during the first 2-6 weeks of growth. This allows the plants to become better established before trying to produce around the plants to provide a bed for the fruit to lie on. Allow flowers to remain on the plants as soon as the plants seem well established. Fruit will follow approximately 30 days after blossom. 
Since plants have already been planted 6" apart you should remove the runners that form. This produces larger single plants for higher yields. DO NOT ALLOW YOUR BED TO BECOME OVERPOPULATED. 


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