Hemerocallis Punch Yellow C300

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Product Overview

An improved offspring from Stella d'Oro, with even more impressive hardiness and flower production—producing up to 300 blooms in a season! It is very adaptable to harsh planting conditions, a good perennial plant for the problem areas in the landscape. It can tolerate mild drought. This dwarf daylily flowers early, and is incredibly prolific throughout its summerlong bloomtime. And these blooms are beautiful bicolors that butterflies and other beneficial pollinators can't resist. An easy-care hemerocallis that stays compact, with a mature height of 12-24", so it's a lovely front border planting, and a planter friendly bloom. It is absolutely stunning when planted en masse, and even makes a cute cut-flower bouquet. Rabbits tend not to bother this variety. Hemerocallis 'Punch Yellow'
    • Zone4-10
    • Height12 - 18 inches
    • Bloom TimeSummer to Fall


  • Light RequirementsFull Sun, Partial Shade


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