Ivy Geranium White w/Bacopa Hanging Basket

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Product Overview

Ivy Geraniums are a classic hanging basket choice. By mid-summer they are stunning, with massive quantities of clustered blooms over deep green foliage. Ivy Geraniums do require regular "deadheading" of spent blooms but the rewards are a summer filled with gorgeous flowers!

New for 2024, we are adding trailing bacopa to create an even fuller trailing effect.  The bacopa will also help protect the branches and stems of the ivy geranium from wind damage.

Baskets are ready for pickup in late May to early June and Trinity will email or call to alert you when your basket is ready to go home.

Your basket purchase is 100% guaranteed to delight!  If for any reason your basket doesn't meet and exceed your expectations, Trinity will refund your money or offer you a choice from our available inventory.


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