Product Overview
European mountain-ash is a deciduous, gray-barked small tree with spreading branches, 15 to 40 feet tall, with large clusters of bright orange-red berries. Young growth has soft, gray hairs. Leaves are divided into 11-15 leaflets (pinnately compound) that are oval to narrow, pointed, about 1-2 inches long, and sharply serrate on the edge the full length of the leaflet. Flowers are white and arranged in a large, flat-topped cluster (panicle), with at least 75 flowers. Flowers have 5 white rounded petals and 15-20 stamens that are almost as long as the petals. Sepals are hairy, fused at the base into a cone with triangular lobes, and persistent (remain after fruits form). Fruits are round, fleshy, bright red to orange-red and hang down (pendulous). Fruits are eaten by birds, the plant’s primary means of seed dispersal.